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Referring Providers

We welcome referrals for patients from the University of Washington, Fred Hutch, and other institutions locally and from across the country. We then partner with those referring providers throughout the study process. 


The outline below describes communication and key touchpoints between the Cancer Vaccine Institute clinical study team and referring providers in co-managing patient care. Please note that patients come to the CVI specifically for the clinical trial, while the clinical management of standard of care treatment and follow-up remains at the referring institution.


If you would like to refer a patient to a CVI clinical trial or if you have questions, please email our study team at

Referral from Provider

Patient Pre-Screening

Patient Consent and Screening

Patient Enrolled on Research Study

Patient Completes Study

Patient Long Term Follow Up

Referral from Provider

  • Referring provider emails CVI Team at to initiate screening process. Requested information includes:

    • Pertinent patient information (i.e. stage, last chemotherapy, etc.)

    • CVI study of interest

Patient Pre-screening/Eligibility Review

  • CVI Team reviews patient records either through electronic medical records (EMR) or requested from clinic medical records department(s) for preliminary eligibility assessment.

  • CVI Team will notify referring provider of preliminary eligibility review, and may request other documents for eligibility clarification.

Patient Consent and Screening

  • CVI Team will contact the potentially eligible patient to introduce study and schedule consent consultation with a CVI physician.

  • Once consent is signed and the patient is potentially eligible, we will proceed with screening procedures to determine eligibility and entry to the study.

  • Study visits primarily occur at the University of Washington Translational Research Unit (TRU) at UW Montlake campus.

Patient Enrolled on Research Study

  • CVI Team will notify referring provider once the patient is enrolled on study.

  • CVI providers and team will manage research treatments and research-related events (PLEASE NOTE: For some studies, the CVI Team may need to request chemotherapy notes/labs if they are receiving concurrent standard-of-care treatment to maintain appropriate safety monitoring).

  • CVI Team will provide on-study treatment updates (through EMR) to the referring provider throughout the study.

  • Referring provider will continue to manage ongoing standard-of-care treatments and patient care while on study.

  • CVI Team will contact referring provider with any clinical concerns or updates.

Patient Completes Study Treatment and Visits

  • CVI Team will notify referring provider once the patient is off-study.

  • Referring provider will continue patient care, and discuss next steps.

Patient Long Term Follow Up

  • CVI Team will request intermittent follow-up medical records as determined by study protocol either through EMR or requested from the clinical medical records department(s). 

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